Creepy Coackroaches!

Cockroach There are more than 3,500 known roach species found throughout the world, many of which infest home kitchens, restaurants, hotels and grocery stores. More than $1.5 billion a year is spent controlling cockroaches in the United States alone. Their presence is so objectionable that roaches are considered among the worst of domestic pests. Cockroaches consume… Continue reading Creepy Coackroaches!

Household Pests

Household Pests All homes occasionally run into problems with household pests. While most are merely a nuisance, some may bite, sting or transmit disease. A few may even cause serious structural damage which can impact the value of your house. While it may seem easier to reach for a can of bug spray, this may… Continue reading Household Pests

Rodent, or NOT a Rodent? According to Grandpa, any wild mammal that invades your home or garden is a rodent, often lovingly referred to as a “varmint.” This turns out to be not quite so. We know that mice, rats, and hamsters are rodents, but other animals that resemble mice or rats may or may not belong to the… Continue reading Rodent, or NOT a Rodent?

Bed bugs: Do-it-yourself control options Bed bugs are one of the most difficult pest problems to eradicate quickly. By far, the best solution for bed bugs is to hire a pest control company with experience successfully controlling bed bugs. Unfortunately, this can be expensive and beyond the means of many people. If you feel you cannot afford to hire… Continue reading Bed bugs: Do-it-yourself control options

Garden Pests

Garden Pests One bug does not make a problem! In nature, there are always some garden pests chewing on plants; that’s just the way it is. However, not all pest damage is significant enough to warrant action. Even the healthiest gardens encounter bugs at one time or another, yet they still produce a beautiful harvest. As… Continue reading Garden Pests

Boxelder Bug

Boxelder bugs are named for their primary host, the boxelder tree. One of the less destructive agricultural pests, boxelder bugs do infrequent damage to apples, peaches, grapes, strawberries, plums and non-fruiting trees including maple and ash. A bigger nuisance to homeowners, they seek and enter houses in colonies of hundreds, even thousands of insects as cold… Continue reading Boxelder Bug